Screenshots from Keyloggers as Evidence

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New Member
If a computer is infected by a keylogger spyware program, can screenshots that it obtains be used in a civil suit or are they too easy to fake?
You should be able to go into the file(s) of the logger, and print it out. You could also copy it to say a jump drive and that would be proof.

You sure it's spyware? I found one on mine that was uploaded, at the computer. Didn't take long to figuer it out as my garbage was stolen for 3 month, and the guy who made the program was stupid enought to have a fraze "we used this in high school". Then did a search to see who was on the drug pay roll, or cop, that graduated from that school.
I guess you need to find the log file and hackers can probably change the date so that they are harder to find.
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