Sex Crimes, Sex Offenders Same sex


Super Moderator
In the absence of a contract prohibiting you from doing so, yes, you may work for another company at the same time.

However, understand that you are employed at will and your employment can be terminated for any reason or no reason unless it violates anti discrimination laws.

So, while there may be nothing to prevented you from working for more than one company at a time, if the boss doesn't like you doing it he can fire you.
Am I allowed to work more than one company at the time. Thx

Is it legal?

Why is it legal to have sex with the same sex?

Is the President the only person in charge of declaring a war?
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If I remember my schooling correctly, I believe that the President needs congressional approval to declare war.

However, history tells us that there are many other ways a President can get us into "war" without declaring war.

Certainly you could have googled that question.
Because certain legislatures have bowed to societal evolution and have passed laws making homosexual relationships (and marriage) legal.

After all, why shouldn't they be allowed to marry and be as miserable as other married folk?

Is it legal?

Okay, stop now.
You've been given several chances.
Anymore posts like this, you're gone for good.
This isn't a porn site.
This site discusses legal issues.
We don't encourage or support the discussion of salacious nonsense.