Roommate left unpaid bills

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New Member
Hi, I'm not sure if this is in the right forum. I apologise for the third post in a series of landlord/roommate woes, but this time my issue is with a roommate who moved in January 1st. He agreed with both I and my fiancé that he would pay his share of the bills when he moved in, and continued to stall and say that his work was being "screwy" and that "this place is expensive".

We have nothing in writing, mostly because we had an oral contract, and that it was common sense anyway: you move in somewhere, you pay the bills you incur. This I felt was particularly obvious since I went to England in December and didn't get back til March. January and February it was just him and my fiancé, and the bills DOUBLED.

We drafted up an agreement for a payment plan last night and gave him a copy to sign. He said he was too tired and promised to talk tomorrow.

He sneaked out, and left trash and stains on the carpet, and nine large bottles of Guinness on the floor, and the most vile stench of weed. It's clear he was drunk/stoned. He never signed the agreement. I spoke to the gas and electric co.s and for just the four months he "lived" here, he owes us just over $600.

He was not on the lease, but my landlord can verify that he lived here. I also had to call the police on him once as his threatening behaviour was becoming impossible (he has also physically attacked my small kitten). They took his name but I don't know how official this is.

He left us with 12 days notice and no time to find a new roommate. Because of this I will not be able to afford to live here, or even move here. I am supposed to be applying for a marriage visa from the UK, and I am supposed to graduate college in June, but my grades are suffering because now I have to work to cover the mess he made.

Can I take him to small claims? He basically just sneaked out like a despicable snake and complained and complained the whole time he was here. He complained that "you guys practically live in the living room" and that we should "shave the cat" because she is a half-persian breed and is long-haired...
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