Roommate agreement

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New Member
I own my home, and took on a "roommate" in November. We both signed a "Living Arrangement Agreement" that stated terms of rent, utilities, etc. (I took a landlord/tenant agreement form from online and tweaked it), and there was provision of termination stating "as much notice as possible", etc. if either was going to notify the need for the renter to move out. On Jan. 27, I created a "Termination of Living Arrangement Agreement" giving the renter until Feb. 29 to vacate. I used an Eviction Notice format (again from the web) and tweaked it to our needs - Outlined date to be out, monies owed current and at move out (he had not yet paid his Feb rent at the time, so that was first due - finally paid next day), clause for damages left behind, etc. He thought he had a place lined up with a move out date of 2/23, but has been denied. I need to know what rights I have, legally, to lock/kick him out Feb 29. I live in Cincinnati OH
Update to Information

One key piece to note on this, is that I live in the home as well, and the roommate is just that - he was paying for a bedroom, and shared use of the rest of the house/property.
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