Rights to use sound clips on band website

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New Member
I was working (as the lead singer) in a local band for about 8 months. During that time (the band) recorded a cover demo to help promote the band. This demo is on the band's website so people can hear what the band sounds like.
I recently left the band, and asked that any representation of me be removed from the website, this included: pictures, videos, or song sound clips from the demo or any other recording.
The band took down the pictures and video but refused to take down the demo song clips. The reason they said they wouldn't take those clips down was because I did not pay for them so they could use them any way they liked, with or without my permission.
However, is it legal for them to be promoting the band I am no longer in with sound clips of my voice/singing when I have not given consent to do so after I left the band? Can I legally ask them to take these sound clips off the website or am I just out of luck?
What are my rights?
You should have a shared copyright in the recording of the songs. You might want to provide them with notice of this fact and demand they take it down - or look up you rights with regard to a DMCA copyright notice. We'll have up our own FAQ this week or just do a search in the forum.
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