Restriction Question on Land

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New Member
I am looking to purchase property in the amount of 80 acres in Northern MO. The land has is restricted as listed by the realtor:

the early 1980's a lot of the farmers were going bankrupt. The U.S
and Wildlife Reserve gave a "buy out" option to these land owners.
owner on this property took advantage of this buy out. Basically they
were paid X amount of dollars per acre. With this came restrictions.
They were still able to live on the property but had to abide by the
restrictions. When the owners sold this property the restrictions
stayed in effect. There is NOTHING in the restrictions against
In the paper it states you would not be able to farm the land..(no row
crops)....therefore there is not CRP on this property. You would not
able to build a structure on this property...(cabin, house, building of
any kind...etc)

I was wondering why, if the land is going to be sold is this restriction still on there? How can I find more information about this restriction? As I am sure there is more to it than this. Is there is a way to remove this restriction, and how I could go about doing it?
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