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New Member
My friend got fire due to emberezy money, he is on probation for 6 yrs and have to pay restituion over $100K. His term of 6 yrs are due the end of this month, but the restitution money are not pay off yet. Can he just forget it or contineu to pay until zero balance.
My friend got fire due to emberezy money, he is on probation for 6 yrs and have to pay restituion over $100K. His term of 6 yrs are due the end of this month, but the restitution money are not pay off yet. Can he just forget it or contineu to pay until zero balance.
If he has to pay restitution then he can't just walk away. Doesn't make sense does it? Embezzle money and then if you can't pay it back at the moment you can just say "too bad?" :dunno: Not so simple... he'll probably have to work something out, e.g. payment plan, etc.
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