Repairs, Maintenance Responding to letter from owner

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Our toilet overflowed and soaked our carpet for 48 hours before owner responded. He sent a letter saying the blockage was our fault (even though we share plumbing line with at least one other unit in the building). The letter has several incorrect statements (time of reporting incident is off by a day, the number of times we had plumbing issues is off, etc). How do we respond?
Our toilet overflowed and soaked our carpet for 48 hours before owner responded. He sent a letter saying the blockage was our fault (even though we share plumbing line with at least one other unit in the building). The letter has several incorrect statements (time of reporting incident is off by a day, the number of times we had plumbing issues is off, etc). How do we respond?

Why, you pay for the damages, of course. If you refuse, look for the notice to vacate followed by an eviction to appear soon.
It sounds like you were negligent in allowing the float to stay open and refused to shut of the water valve, making most of the mess.
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