Replacement Will and Revocable Trust

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New Member
My aunt (age 78) recently created a new will and trust leaving me (niece) as POA, executrix of will and co-trustee of revokable trust. The former will, trust and a video was created under stress. Her husband passed and there are no children. My uncle always took care of business affairs and money matters leaving her uninformed and inexperienced in handling business affairs. Her friends took her to their lawyer because she was confused and did not know what she should do regarding her estate. In the former will she left the remainder of her estate to her friends after a few minor distributions to her sisters. Her estate is sizeable and there was language in the will that stated if any beneficiaries challenged the will, they would not recieve their distributions from the estate. They also set the trust up to pay for any litigation regarding challenges. They set themselves up to be in total control of her affairs eliminating any family control or influence. After a few weeks of reflecting on her actions, she realized the will and trust was not set up as she originally desired. She decided she made a mistake and created a new will and trust with a new lawyer leaving family members as main beneficiaries and her friends receiving the minor distributions. My question: Can the friends contest the new will and trust when she passes? A letter was sent to the friends lawyer asking the return of all original documents and copies including the video but he has not responded to the request. The family is apprehensive regarding the friends intentions and feel they took advantage of her distress at the time of my uncle's death.
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