Repairs not made; no rent receipts

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New Member
I have been, on a month to month basis, renting an apartment for 3.5 years. Six months after moving in, I noticed a small bubble on the ceiling in the kitchen. (the apt. is a townhouse, 2 floors) I immediately notified the resident manager. Nothing was done and the bubble continued to grow. Eventually it opened and every time someone would shower, water would pour all over the kitchen counter. I repeatedly notified that manager about the problem. Still, nothing was done. I finally sent a written request to the landlord. The manager finally came and put caulking around the spout in the tub. This easily stopped water from leaking into the kitchen, except, the hole in the ceiling is about 8 inches across and, six months later, has not been repaired. The paint is hanging and lord knows what else is falling out of the hole. It is disgusting. What can I do to get this fixed?

Subject 2: Shortly after moving in, I noticed the bathroom outlets, both upstairs and downstairs, did not work. 3.5 years later, never repaired. I am concerned about the electrical system due to the fact that the place is so old. We go through lightbulbs like crazy. 2 weeks ago, we put a new bulb outside on the upstairs balcony. We rarely use it; It blew last night. This is common for every light fixture in the apartment. Should I worry?

Last Subject: For 18 months now, I have not received a receipt for my rent. I pay with a check, so no worries there, but am I not entitled to a receipt? There is a door in the laundry room that has a slot in which we are to drop our rent. Several months ago, my check 'disappeared' from behind the door and I was forced to pay a stop payment fee on it.
I have ALWAYS paid my rent on time. The landlord did not charge me a late payment fee, but I feel that because my check was in their possession at the time it was lost, I should have been reimbursed the stop payment fee.

Any opinions? I should move... I know.
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