Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft reducing felony to misdemeanor

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New Member
It's been a little over three years since the juvenile case has been dismissed.
For the case, there were three counts. one was dismissed, two were admitted to...the offenses were felony offenses. All dealing with theft. it was believed that the offenses were reduced to misdemeanors when the juvenile was under probation, but now looking at the minutes and disposition of the case, it is uncertain. everything says "case dismissed."

I can't find anything saying "felony conviction," but i did find something saying felony offenses that were true.

Minor was put on Deferred Entry of Judgment. Now with the ambition and preparation for a career in law enforcement, what shall he do about this record?

Any advice appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
law said:
It's been a little over three years since the juvenile case has been dismissed.
For the case, there were three counts. one was dismissed, two were admitted to...the offenses were felony offenses. All dealing with theft. it was believed that the offenses were reduced to misdemeanors when the juvenile was under probation, but now looking at the minutes and disposition of the case, it is uncertain. everything says "case dismissed."

I can't find anything saying "felony conviction," but i did find something saying felony offenses that were true.

Minor was put on Deferred Entry of Judgment. Now with the ambition and preparation for a career in law enforcement, what shall he do about this record?

Any advice appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

So, is this a felony conviction or is it different with juveniles? and if so, can it be reduced? is it too late?
Also, I'm very sorry for the additional replies/edits......

all of the above pertains to Southern California.
I probably sound like a broken record

but, contact a lawyer, they will be able to tell you what exists on your record and how they may be able to help clear it up.
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