Reckless Operation

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New Member
I got pulled over for reckless driving (the actual term used in the state law) and wondered how I should proceed.
I honestly don't believe that I did anything even close to indicating "either a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property".:confused:
Any helpful hints would be greatly appreciated - I've got my court date tomorrow!
lwpat, can you help?

Don't mean to be a pest, but do you have any suggestions?
How should I plead to this - I'd be okay with a reduction in points and fine like 2 points and $150 or so instead of the 6 points and the $440 on the ticket.
Also, I don't understand that amount - the quoted statute says "not more than $200".
Any advice would be appreciated!!
In most states a conviction for reckless can have very serious concequences. You need to speak with an attorney.
Wish I had time to do that....I'm just hoping for a (serious) reduction in points and possibly a lesser fine.
I honestly believe that I was not in the wrong.
Not too good, but could've been worse.
No points reduction, cut fine almost in 1/2 - but I really wanted the points dropped.
My wife had a discussion w/some friends and they said that apparently SC is not dropping points anymore - not sure if this is accurate or not, but it would appear to be the case.
Only good news is that I can take a defensive driving class and drop 4 of the 6 points, so my insurance should be okay....still sucks, though.
I really think this cop had a major chip on his shoulder when he pulled me - thought he saw something he didn't....:mad:
Anyhow, it's over now....
South Carolina Speeding Ticket

Only good news is that I can take a defensive driving class and drop 4 of the 6 points, so my insurance should be okay....still sucks, though.

Sorry but the defensive driving will only help you with the drivers license points, not the insurance points. Very likely you will end up paying in additional insurance premiums four or five times the cost of an attorney. South Carolina, along with many other states, is getting tougher on reducing speeding tickets. If it is a serious violation you need to hire an attorney.
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