New Member
My husband is on probation for a traffic violation from a couple of years again.He just got put on call in visits rather then go in visits to see his PO. In August he was pulled over on his way to work and got arrested, because his hardship licence has expired with out him realizing it. His PO didnt file a violation on his probation , she just put him back on come in visits with her , rather then just call ins. So he got his regular licence reinstated and he has been to his court dates for the the charge of driving with no licence, but today he went to he meeting with his PO and she said that a warrent for his arrest was in proccess of being put out for him. For violation of his probation in relationship to his arrest . But she said she doesnt know who is putting it out for him , because it wasnt her and gave him the papers to prove it. Who else can put a violation on his probation, other then his PO ??????