Question about paying lawsuit but on disability

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New Member
Hi, I just found out today that I may be one of 180 people being sued for possible contributory copyright infringement. However, I still live with my parents, I am not listed as a dependent, I collect $1330 a month in long-term disability from my former company. I don't own a car or a house and I pay my parents $300 a month for rent as well as $500 in student loans a month. Am I still liable to pay if I am found that I owe damages in a civil contributory copyright infringement case? I have a disability where I am not able to work in any capacity, this was recently determined this past summer and I'm able to continue with my benefits indefinitely. Please help. I'm from RI but the plaintiff is from FL. Thanks.
Having no money to pay is not a defense to a judgment. It only makes enforcement, getting money from you, difficult. This doesn't mean they won't pursue the case just to get judgments against everyone and hoping to get some money at some point in the future or selling off the debt to a collection agency.
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