Purchased a Motorcycle and Seller blew it up

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New Member
I purchased a motorcycle from a person for $1000.00, I have a bill of sale signed by myself the buyer and a witness. I gave payment to the buyer after the bill of sale was written and I was to recieve the bike and title soon there after. Before delivery of the bike took place the seller blew up the engine and i never recieved anything. I have tried on several ocassions to resolve to matter with the seller and he seems to think that he doesn't have to do anything. Where do I begin and what legal steps do i need to take to get this figured out?
Sue the bad person in small claims court for your actual dollar amount of damages.
Curiously, why did you fork over $1,000 prior to receiving delivery of the bike simultaneously?
I knew the person i bought the bike from personally. i never thought in a millon years he would rip me off, but i have this terrible problem with thinking people deserve as much trust as i give them
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