Pulled for Racing

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Pulled for Racing/Where do I get an attorney at?

I was just wondering if you were allowed to use a Prayer for Judgment for racing. I have had tickets before when I was younger, but I was able to get them dropped for different reasons. I am now 20 years old and I got pulled earlier tonight for doing 62mph in a 35mph zone in Jacksonville NC. I already have 2 points on my liscense from a fender bender I was in a couple of years ago, and I'm afriad that if I cant get the charges dropped then I will lose my liscense, and that cant happen because right now I am supporting not only myself but my wife as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your time.

Should I try to get an attorney from the county where I received my ticket at or should I try to find an attorney in another county?
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North Carolina Racing Ticket

Prayer for Judgement is for minor speeding ticket and it is unlikley that the judge would approve it for a racing violation. Racing is a serious offense and you could easily lose your license. Your best option is to retain an attorney.

There is a find an attorney link on this site. Only if no one is listed in your area you can send me an email and I can provide some more resources. In addition you will soon be inundated with letters from ambulance chasing attorneys who will be glad to represent you if you want to go that route.
Re: North Carolina Racing Ticket

Josh -- the attorneys I spoke with were pretty open to talk before selecting one. Someone local is probably a good idea. They know the DA, the judges and the officers. One of the first questions everyone ask (before giving me a quote) was who the officer was.

Originally posted by lwpat
In addition you will soon be inundated with letters from ambulance chasing attorneys who will be glad to represent you if you want to go that route.

Lwpat -- Any idea how long this is been going on in NC? My mailbox was full just two days after receiving a citation :D I've only been in NC 6 months and can't decide if the system here is good or bad :confused:
North Carolina Traffic Ticket System

North Carolina Traffic Ticket System

Actually North Carolina is a lot better than some other states. You have the Prayer for Judgement option for minor traffic tickets and they do not place minor out of state tickets on your record.

In additon an attorney has a good chance of getting a reduction even for a racing ticket. The downside is that they consider anything over 15 mph as a serious violation.

Personally I do not like attorneys that solicit by billboards or by getting copies of every speeding ticket. However everybody has to earn a living.
Thanks for the reply LWPAT.

My auto insurance almost dropped in half when I moved to NC so they must be doing something right.

The threat of loosing your licence for 15 over or 80 and above made me pay more attention. I learned my lesson after doing both passing a dump truck in a 55 with a baby blue Crown Vic right on my tail. I didn't realize he was and unmarked State Trooper until he hit his lights. :D

Are you in NC?
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