Property Manager threateing ex-tenant with slander lawsuit.

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New Member

I figure I'll give a bit of a back story, so you can have an idea of what's going on. Sorry if it's a bit long....

I live in a small apartment complex where there is a resident manager on-site. They can sometimes be very friendly/talkative to residents, and sometimes can be very rude/short with residents. I just chalk it up to they have some unresolved personal issues like many people out there.

There was an incident where they were doing work in a vacant unit one early morning. The noise woke me up and I went outside to ask how long the work would be going on. They snapped back with "as long as the damn work takes" and snorted like I was an idiot for asking. So, I just went back inside my apartment. I figure "mean" is by no means grounds to break a lease and I figure I can avoid them so I don't have to deal with the snappy responses daily. I will just move when my lease is up, and be done with it. Simple as that.

I saw a resident moving out recently and we started chatting about the move. The turnover rate in our building is very high, and I don't think many of the residents stay past the one year signed on the lease. The resident told me they were moving due to issues they were having with the manager, and not being able to deal with being spoke to in such off tones when asking questions. I then shared with them I had the same issues, and they then said that many other residents have had the same problems. This resident then informed me that another resident was actually breaking their lease because they got a letter asking them to move when their lease is up, which was 6 months from the time of the letter being issued. The resident then informed the onsite manager they will be moving from the property now instead of when the lease is up since the onsite manager is impossible to deal with and he is making their living environment very uncomfortable.

The resident has now moved out and broke their lease. They provided the owners of the property (who have a legally registered ficticious business name as the property management company - who in turn employ this resident manager) with a letter stating why they are breaking lease and that they expect not to be held accountable for staying under the lease as the RM has made their living situation unbearable.

This former resident has just received a notification from the resident manager that they are going to sue for slander. I don't know how this is possible as the resident manager has not lost their job but I can only assume they're trying to base it off the letter the former resident had written the owners, explaining why they're moving out.

I wanted to know if I still live here, and am under lease can I be helpful to this former resident by giving any information they may need to help prove their defense that the resident manager is very hard to deal wtih? And if I do this, am I risking a lawsuit being brought on myself? There are 2 other former residents who are getting involved and telling this former resident who is being sued for slander that they will help in any way they can and have no problem sharing their stories of not being able to deal with the resident manager.

I don't want to be involved, but at the same time I don't want this person not having people back them up when their claims are actually true. I know if the shoe were on the other foot, I'd want people to help me.

I just wonder what could happen to me by getting involved?

Thanks for your time.
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