property fence

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New Member
is it okay for a neighbor to nail stuff (an overhang from a shed in contention for being too close according to county code) to the back side of my privacy fence? IT is not okay with me but do I have a leg to stand on?:(

Also one of my trees fell into his property damaging a new trampoline and destroying a tent they had pitched in their back yard should I expect a lawsuit?? Because of their against-my-privacy two-story shed bothers me so I am going to be slow contacting my homewoner's insurance... am I just asking for more trouble?? It was an act of God that the tree fell.

We are in a deed restricted community where, since there are so many illegal sheds in the neighborhood, they are changing the laws ---could this be more ridicules?

Thank you
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To begin, if you have a common fence, it must be respected. However, if the entire fence is on your property, they cannot hang anything on the back of it since it is still, technically, on your property.

If one of your trees fell, you might likely be responsible for damages. Was it an old tree? I don't know what the facts are but an act of G-d would be one where a tornado uproots your tree and throws it onto a neighboring property. It would not be if it just fell during a typical thunderstorm.
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