Proof of payment for electronically cleared checks

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New Member

My Home Owners Association has electronically cleared two checks I sent them for my monthly dues, but have not credited them to my account. Since the paper checks were never sent to the bank, I don't have the cancelled checks as proof of payment. My bank statements show that the payments were made to the Home Owners Association, and the bank tells me that I can use the bank statements as proof of payment. The Home Owners Association insists that I provide them the cancelled checks, and is about to file a lean on my house. Any advice?

What does the Association guidelines say about payments? Do they say you have to have proof in the form of canceled checks? Throw their bylaws back in their face. You should be able to use the bank the statements as proof of payment. Contact your mortage company and tell them youir situation and give them the proof. Also, you should consult a lawyer if they are going to put a lien on your house.
The Association guidelines do not say anything about what forms of proof of payment are acceptable. I am now talking to a lawyer. Thanks for the advice.

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