Consumer Law, Warranties Problems With Advertisers

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New Member
Hi there,
We hope you can help as this problem is causing major distress and financial strains.

In August my wife agreed to an advert for our Pub to be published, and Paid for this Advert by card over the phone.

Between then and the end of January 09 we had £4,000 in relatively small amounts taken from the same account using card details supposedly given to them by my wife.

On th 3rd Feb 09 we cancelled this card, and the bank are apparently investigating our claims.

Since then we have been innundated by several companies by way of invoice or telephone calls demanding money. Some even say they have a recording of my wife agreeing to these adverts, but on hearing the recording it is not clear about dates times etc.

Some are threatening Legal action which we have said if we know about any court hearings we would attend.

Basically what can we do to stop these dodgy companies harrasing us and possibly get some money back.

The only reason this money went un noticed was we were saving money in this account for our VAT,(which we are now in trouble with as well) and the fact that I lost my mother to cancer and spent a lot of time sorting out her affairs etc.

Once again I hope someone can help us before I completely lose it.


Trevor Robinson
Sounds like you've taken the proper approach by reporting the fraudulent use of your card to the bank. I would imagine upon completing their investigation your funds should be returned to you.

Some even say they have a recording of my wife agreeing to these adverts, but on hearing the recording it is not clear about dates times etc.
This is confusing, do you mean that your wife did indeed have conversations with various "other" companies? Could it be your wife did indeed make purchase perhaps unknowingly?

Is this a debit card account you are speaking of?
The only reason this money went un noticed was we were saving money in this account for our VAT
As a business owner you or your accountant should have jumped on this problem much earlier if these erroneous charges occurred between August and January. You would have a stronger defense.

Ultimately, from your story it appears to me that your wife may indeed had requested the advertisements yet the dates, etc. may have been unclear. If your accounting behavior is lacksidasical, then this suggest that your other business practices may also be performed in a lacksidaiscal manner.

Don't let your VAT go unpaid, don't know the consequences in Europe, yet not getting sales tax paid here in the States can cause a major headache with paperwork, etc..

Best of luck...
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