Probation officer spits in my cup


New Member
West Virginia
Is it illegal for a probation officer to spit in your cup that you drink out of sitting by your bed on your nightstand while conducting a search?
Did you drink from the cup without knowing the officer had spit in it? You're going to have to provide a bit more explanation of what happened if you want any sort of useful response.
Is it illegal for a probation officer to spit in your cup that you drink out of sitting by your bed on your nightstand while conducting a search?

If this happened, what do you want done about it?

If this happened, how do you propose PROVING it happened?

Do you think if this happened, the PO will have a "come to the truth" moment and ADMIT that he spat in your cup?

Seeing is one thing, proving is another.
Without a better explanation of how this situation happened, all I can say is that, unless you suffered some medical damages as a result, your only recourse is to complain to the guy's supervisor.
Do I have to let him back into my home ?

If you are STILL on probation, you would only harm yourself by arbitrarily CHANGING anything you have been ordered by the court to do.

Until your allegations have been administratively or legally addressed, the PO is as innocent as a newborn baby!
The spit may as well be from an alien space monkey. Nobody is going to prove where it came from.
Makes your concerns known to the probation supervisor and throw out your "evidence".