Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Price tag swapping on an item

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I was recently caught shoplifting at a store in Rockville, MD. I am 21 and this is my first time offence. I swapped an item's bag with a $25 price tag with a $99 cable. I bought a few other items and went to the cash register and paid. Someone saw me switch the bags and before I could leave the store he brought me to the back for questioning. Police came and gave me a uniform criminal citation. I was also banned from the store. What do i do? The penalty said $500 / 18 months. I have to show up in court after I recieve a letter in the mail that tells me to. Is there anyway I can get out of this or just pay a fine. I do not want to go to jail. Please help me. Thank you.
Start calling Lawyers and set up consultations. Ask them if Diversion is option in your case. This should you the desired result
Ok I will contact a lawyer. Based on previous cases or similar incidents, do you think I will be able to get off with nothing on my criminal record? Is it likely that the diversion program or similar community service programs or something will be a available for me to complete? And will it likely that I will spend time in jail? Again, this is my first offence so I think that will help in my favor, but I am over 18 so I guess that will not help at all.
The Attorney(s) you talk with are best qualified to answer that. However I suspect if there is a diversion program in your county you will qualify
So you paid $25 for a $99 item? What kind of retail store was this? Department? Sporting goods? etc.

Maryland has a pretty lenient court system in regards to first time theft offenses. Pay your civil demand before court. Also get a lawyer and ask for probation before judgement as I suspect you were charged with theft under $100 or theft under $1000. Both are misdemeanors.

What were you charged with? You need to get representation before your first court date, but if not possible. Go talk to the DA and ask for a postponement. That will allow you time to get a PD or a private lawyer. You usually get one postponement as a defendant. If you fail to get counsel by the second court date, the courts will say that you have waived your right to counsel and proceed with your court case. If you decide to get a PD, apply TEN business days (two weeks) before your court date. That will give them adequate time to evaluate your case and see what possible defenses they can use on your behalf.

Good luck to you and talk to a lawyer about PBJ if you do not have a prior criminal record.
Store name is an electronics store that is not a huge chain; it may have 15 stores nation wide. And yes i attempted to pay $25 for a $99 cable. Also, when you say "pay your civil demand before court", what does that exactly mean. I have no experience in any of this, so I know i have to pay at most $500 and possible jail time; so do you mean when the court asks for me to appear for court, will they also ask for me to pay an amount? I have enough money to get a lawyer, so postponement won't be necessary, unless I should do it?

If anyone has any more advice it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
Was it LP or a Manager.

I am saying go to court the first time and see if the witness even shows up. They may not even come to court and without a witness, the state is forced to "nolle pros" the case which means they cannot proceed with the charges.

If you can afford private counsel, I would suggest that you obtain one and they can advise you on the best possible defenses.

Again, no witness against you means the state cannot go forward, but don't bet the farm on that scenario.
1st thing your first court appearence is arraingment. No witinesses or evidence are needed for this phase. Even without the LP or the like the DA may still have enough for successful prosecution. This would be the arrest report by store and any video that might exist. The first thing you must do is start contacting Lawyers to discuss your options. Gambling on witinesses not showing is big gamble and as stated may not be needed for DA to win case.

Next Civil Demand is a "civil" action that state law permits retailers to take to help with cost of security people, equitment etc. Its unrelated to your court case. Norman is right paying this before court would be wise action on your part. Unless your goal is to fight charge
What is an LP? Some guy dressed in civilian clothes was undercover and caught me. Then i was brought to the manager who called the police. Also, do you think it may be worth it to call up the manager and explain my story to them and beg forgiveness and try to get her to drop the case against me? It is probably a long shot, but maybe the manager will. And also when you say pay my civil demand, does that mean when i receive the letter in the mail, will this letter contain the amount i must pay, or should I just pay the $500 initially stated on my uniform criminal citation sheet they gave me?
LP = Loss Prevention or store security. Civil demand is unrelated to your court case and criminal charges. Paying can be used as proof to Judge your taking action to correct your errors, always good. If criminal charges have been filed contacting store will do no good at this point. I actually think it would be unwise as anything you tell Manager can show up in court as admission ... -index.jsp

Just follow the prompts and type in your name.

Also, admin, even with the reports, without an eyewitness testimony present at the time of trial, the case could be nolle prossed because of no "victim". I am not saying that they will, but usually if a witness doesn't come to court, the DA just finished the paperwork and drops the charges. Like I said, don't bet the farm on this happening, but I have seen it many times.
I see your point but if the DA has both a report and video that should be sufficent for successful prosecution. Lets also be real about this if the DA has not requested store appear they may not. If needed all the DA need do is request continuance which he will likely be granted. Then the store security can be supeona store staff (victim) to appear. Victim not showing up does not make the case dead to DA
i typed my name into the forum and my name did not appear. does this mean they have not filed it yet. Also, since my name has not appeared, do you think it would be wise to try to call the manager and see if i can apologize and try to get them to drop charges?
If your name did not appear its for one of two reasons most likely.

1. Charges have not yet been filed
2. There are no charges filed at all and store has no plan to

Calling store may not be wise. Just check the site Norman gave you once a week
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