prescriptive easement

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New Member
3 property owners in West Virginia have used the same road to access their land(485acres,276acres,and 40acres) for a min of 30 years. Current owner of the property that the road is on has blocked the road and our access to our properties. Current owner bought the property approx. 3 years ago at an auction. Two of the 3 mountain properties have power lines that go to 3 buildings on 2 of the properties. One of witch was lived in for a period of time. All 3 properties are and have been used for a long period of time. We have not found any written ROW yet.
What are WV laws and can we get a prescriptive easement from a West Virginia Court? Does the fact that the new owner has only owned the land for 3 years affect the 10 year uninterrupted period to get a prescriptive easement?

Thank you
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