Prayer for judgment

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I was charged with reckless driving (law section 46.2-862 speed 89/65) in Henrico County, Virginia. Can I request a prayer of judgment and if so how do I do it? I can't really afford a lawyer right now and I am not sure what to do. I am from North Carolina and have a spotless driving record. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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I am sorry. How did you find that the ticket was a reckless driving ticket? Is there any mention of it in the ticket?

Yes the ticket says it on there. The ticket has a portion on it where it says law section 46.2-862 and then it has a place to describe the charge. There it is written reckless driving speed 89/65 s-radar. Can I request a prayer for judgment? What should I do? Also what will the penalty be for me in North Carolina since I am an out of state person?
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NC will assess based on you conviction.

A speeding conviction greater than 15 over will result in a suspension of your license when reported back to NC.
You cannot take a prayer for judgment. This is a very serious offense and it is a mandatory court appearance. Anything over 80 in VA is considered reckless driving. At this speed I recommend an attorney.
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