Prayer For Judgment Continued

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New Member
The judge handed down a sentance of "prayer for judgment continued" 5 yrs. probation.
No time to serve, only court costs were incurred. Also, "violation of no law of this state".

I currently live in another state but my question is, since this judgment was handed down in June 2001 can one get this removed from their record to show no convictions. There was a guilty plea and PJC 5 yrs was the judgment. The 5 yrs. will be up next year but can something be done now?

There has been no problems, not even a speeding violation. This person has an good record, was never even in trouble prior to this problem 4 years ago.

Help, since living in another state it is difficult to know what to do. I did contact the attorney via email yesterday that represented this person but have not heard anything from him.
Thanks for any help anyone might give.
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