Prayer for Judgement

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New Member
I have a NC drivers licence.

I received a ticket in NC for a driving 19mi over the speed limit= 54mph in a 35mph zone.

It looks like I will get one point which results in a 25% increase in insurance premium.

I can "mail in fine plus court costs" to avoid a court appearance. However, if I pay by mail do I give up my right to ask for a "prayer for judgement"?

If I go to court to ask for a "Prayer" which is granted and pay the fine + court costs , do I avoid the one point?

P.S. I only have one other ticket 7 years ago and was granted a prayer. -Kishka
You can probably plea this one down to 9 over yourself and avoid the insurance increase. If this fails, ask for the PFJ or plead not guilty and come back with a lawyer. Search some of the other NC messages here for more info.

A lawyer can do this with a high probability of sucess for a cost much less than you will pay in insurance increases over 3 years. And you won't even have to appear in court

If I understand the PJC correctly, it defers the points -- you will avoid the points as long as you have no other convictions for (6 or 12 mo?). However, if you have another conviction in this period, the points of the first offense re-appear.
I received a speedindg ticket at 16 miles above posted speed limits. I plan to request Prayer for Judgement, but I've never been to court before. Do I plead and then request Prayer for Judgement? Or do I request Prayer for Judgement and then plead? thanks.
p.s. to Prayer for Judgement

I have a certified copy of my driving records and I have no prior violations. I plan to bring this to court. just not sure about procedure.
Outcome - prayer for judgement

I waited until the last minute (today) to ask for help via this forum, and I didn't get a response. However, I just figured my speed wasn't extreme and that I would plead guilty and ask for PFJ. I ended up paying the court and the speeding violation will not be on my record, unless I have another violation within 3 years. thanks anyway...this is a great forum and I'll probably be back with other questions as they arrive.
iDC5 -- I think Prayer for Judgement is only applicable in NC.
Help me please!

My name is Justin, i am 17 years old and still have a restricted license. Last night i recived a speeding ticket, 70 in a 55. I have also recived a seatbelt violation with in the last 6 months. I have heard that because of my seatbelt ticket, that this ticket will cause me to loose my license. I was hoping you could tell me if there was anything that i could do that would help me keep my license. I have heard from friends that i should use a prayer for judgement, which will strike this ticket from my record unless i get a ticket within the next three years. WILL THIS WORK??
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