Drug Crimes, Substance Abuse possession w intent to sell

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New Member
got pulled over in a cross walk sting operation
i was approaching the crosswalk and two undercover officers jumped out onto the road when i was in the far left lane of 4 lane highway 2 ways each direc. with no signals or devices 40-50 ft @ 35 mph allegedly they said they " crossed the halfway portion of the road" but they were only in the beginning halfway point of the far right lane
pulled over
smelled marijuana emit when questioned, marijuana plant that is...not smoke
so i assumed they had probable cause to search
im reading a statue nrs 484.325
but not understanding it fully
waived the preliminary hearing
now being amended to district court
for arraignment
on bail
now when i appear in district court is bail still valid?
or do i now need a new o.r. approved?
also what to think about the possibility of motion to suppress?
and if i plead not guilty will i be remanded by law?
if i was travelling over 35 mph does that come into factor even though i wasnt cited for speeding?
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