Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possesion of Marijuana

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New Member
I was leaving a friends house a few days ago, and I didn't really feel like going home right away. So to clear my head and be completely by myself for a little bit, I drove around. I went into this neighborhood and saw a cop at an intersection. He didn't stop me or anything so I kept going. I exited the development and headed home, I saw another cop heading towards me and thought nothing of it. When I was making the turn towards my house another cop came up behind me and pulled me over. He said he wanted to know why I was in that neighborhood and I told him that I was just going for a drive. He asked if I was smoking pot and I told him no, which was true. He asked if he could search my truck and I gave him permission thinking that he wouldn't find anything, because I thought nothing illegal was in my truck. He did however, find my one hitter bowl with resin in it. but no pot. He gave me a sobriety test which I passed, and then he gave me a ticket for possesion of marijuana. Now I have to go to court. Can I defend this case myself? Or can a public defender get this charge off? I can't afford another lawyer, I recently got a dui and dished out $1200 for that lawyer.
Similar situation in Texas

I just got my first misdemeanor offense. We were pulled over last night (great 4th of July :mad: ) but we had smoked about 1/4 of the last of a joint. The DPS officer wrote us tickets for possession of marijuana because the only thing we had in the car was a dugout with less than a gram of pot in it. I have no idea how to deal with the situation other than get the advice of a lawyer. I have never been arrested for anything before, and I'm very concerned this is going to effect my career (I'm currently studying for my doctorate in education). Any advice would be greatly welcomed. Thanks.
No worries

I don't think it will have an impact on your future career, so long as you get a lawyer. I'm probably just going to get a public defender, I can't afford another lawyer.
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