Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Possesion of alcohol in public

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New Member
Hey, I got a summons the other day to appear in criminal court. I'm just wondering what this all entails. I've been told not to worry and that all I need to do is go down plead guilty and pay a small fine, but I worry too much.

On the summons it says "Possess alcohol in public", (violation of Sec. 10-125 sub 23) admin. code. At least thats what I can read from the paper.

Please let me know what I need to do about this and if this has any impact on my permanent record. This is my first summons of any kind and I recently graduated and currently looking for a job and I dont need this to interfere with it. (I'm 22yrs old)

Ironically I'm interested in law, but not crimina, Business Law. ;)

Thanks much
please help

Just bumping this up so some one sees it.

Cany anyone please help me and let me know about this^^ pleasse it would be much appreciated. The location was Brooklyn, New York.
There is pretty much nothing to really worry about. In most states there is a pretrial intervention type program which allows you to do community service hours and enter into a period of probation in leiu of the charges being dropped. It is generally almost as expensive as the fine would have been otherwise. Other than that, you could just suck it up and pay the fine (circa 150-250 dollars prob.).
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