Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Police Report against me in Philly, maybe

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New Member

Well here it is, I have had this stalker for quite awhile now, we were friends and had dated at one time, but she became too attached. One day I couldn't take it anymore and told her how much I hated her and that I wanted her to leave me alone..I said everything horrible I could think of. I just wanted her to leave me alone. I do not remember making any threats. Well a year has gone by and she is talking to one of my ex girlfriends...I emailed her to please stop talking to her, and she replied to me saying that she reported me to the Police ( Philadelphia) last year for threatening to kill her, and she said I had guns and that she was going to commit me to a Psych ward and all of this. Her evidence was Instant messages from the computer, emails and supposed voicemails, which I do not remember making. The police NEVER EVER came and talked to me about this. The only reason I am concerned is because I am looking to have a career in law enforcement. Currently I work for the goverment ( security) and I had a DoD Top Secret Clearance Investigation done on me....this incident didn't come up at all. I have lived my life with the hopes of being in law enforcement, no drugs, no arrests, no questionable behavior.. So I'm wondering..its a report as in a written report it does have a record. Here are my questions.

1.) If she thought I had threatened to kill her and I had guns and all of that..and she knows my name exactly and where I live ( right down the street), my phone number..etc wouldn't the police, have had came and at least talked to me? If it was a threat of violence or harassment, some contact would have been made towards me. I mean do I have the right to know that a report has been filed against me.
2.) How long are police reports on file for? I say again Police Officers never ever came and talked to me, called me..or nothing...I haven't heard a thing.
3.) Should I go attempt to see if this report exists?
4.) Could the report come up if I apply to Police agencies, such as Philadelphia or any other local police agencies. Like are police reports with no active investigation be a stop sign to my law enforcement career..because computer instant messages, emails or phone calls could have been made by anyone..the computer at our home is used by five people, and the phone is a house phone.

Any help you could give me would be so great thanks so much.
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