Police records???

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New Member
I was pulled over at 3:30 A.m. for entering a park that closed at 10.The officer was very nice and I believe she was just making sure of my age (18) and that I was no threat. She asked for my license and registration but as I was digging in the glove for the registration she just asked if it was a family regitered car and I said yes.
A few minutes later she came back and gave me my license and asked what I was here for so late and I said I was just coming to sit before I had to work early. She said no problem and left.

My questions are?

Is there a record of this stop that may affect me to get a ticket later?

will the stop be infeccted by insurance?

Or as far as everybody knows i have never been pulled over?

Thank you
It looks like she gave you a break. You could have been issued a ticket because the park was not open at that time, but then the officer would have given you the ticket right away.

As you were not issued a ticket there are no proceedings against you and therefore your insurance will never hear about this.

There might be an official record that the officer checked your name and license with a databank and she might have made an entry into her logbook, but again, those records are internal police records and not proceedings against you.

She could sit down later at the station and write you a ticket, but this is highly unlikely.
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