Police posting incorrect data on registry website


New Member
Someone is really struggling right now. He went to jail at 14 for a sex offence against a younger neighbour girl and was convicted of sexual misconduct in the state of Arizona.
He is now 26, but the data the sheriff department sent to the DPS is incorrect. He told me that he had sent the registering department several e-mails, but they refuse to change the data, despite being shown court records.
He wants to sue for libel and defamation of character for posting incorrect dates AND offence citation (if you go on the website you can see they have it listed as having occurred in 2014 when it occurred in 2005). He also believes that since his residency restriction would have expired where he was originally adjudicated he can petition the courts to remove him from the registry all together as a sort of reparation for posting invalid data and refusing to fix it.

What recourse does he have for this? Can he sue the state for libel, since this is pretty much the literal definition? Or is this more like defamation of character?
Either way this is a gross miscarriage of justice. He is living in a tent and a sleeping bag on the beach using a truck to carry around his few belongings, and being treated like some kind of grown man who likes to seduce 14 year old girls, when he was simply experimenting with the neighbour girl at 14. and he doesn't know how to get the government to make this right.

Any insight would be lovely.
Libel is defamation.

Your friend can sue anyone he wants, but he's not going to win because some public agency made a clerical error. He should consult with a local attorney for advice.
I agree this is not libel or defaming.
Rather than emailing he should make a personal appearance and discuss his concern with someone.