police are allowing gangstalking in my city vandalizing building car and property they do nothing



New Hampshire
what can i do if police are allowing gangstalking car ,property inside and outside of apt building getting destroyed they have allowed two other cars to be destroyed already to a couple of disabled people what should i dothey use ghost plasma rail guns any ghost gun allowed
what can i do if police are allowing gangstalking car ,property inside and outside of apt building getting destroyed they have allowed two other cars to be destroyed already to a couple of disabled people what should i dothey use ghost plasma rail guns any ghost gun allowed

I'm guessing the police don't actually allow, i.e. approve the criminal actions taking place. Rather your complaint strikes as one of inaction — the police are just not, at least in your view, doing everything they could to tackle the problem. If it's a city police department, then you go to the mayor and city council and petition for better police protection. If it's a sheriff's office that is responsible for the problem, complain to the sheriff and perhaps campaign to boot him out of office at the next election, if your sheriff is elected. You can also raise the issue with your NH assembly and senate members and see if they'll help.

If the problem here boils down to insufficient funding for more comprehensive police coverage, then you and the other citizens of your town/county can expect taxes to go up to hire the extra officers that are needed.

You should also press your landlord for better security. The landlord has some responsibility here to ensure tenants are not harmed by crime on the landlord's property. What they would be able to do that is effective is another matter, and again if they beef up security you and the other tenants will end with higher rent to pay for it.

And, of course, you could move to a different neighborhood that does not have these same problems, if the rent is affordable.
they use ghost plasma rail guns

So...these people exist in the world of video games?

There are no street gangs walking around in the real world with plasma railguns.

Whatever actually is happening, if the police aren't taking action you deem appropriate, you're best recourse will be to move.