Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Please! What could i be charged with?

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New Member
Alright...just recently i recieved a minor in consumption ticket. Im 20 yrs old. The thing is it is my second offense. In December of 03 i recieved a DUI. I just recently got my license back and have been driving for a few months lovin it and i am wondering what the usual charges (money and how long i could lose my license for again) would be. God i can't believe it i am so mad. So please anyone who could help me out with some info i would totally appreciate it. Thanks
I don't know what state you're in but usually 2nd offense is $200 fine, driver license is suspended for 90 days/restricted possible after 30 days , substance abuse treatment, community service . 30 days jail is possible only upon violation of probation or failure to sucessfully complete treatment or pay fine .
In Idaho

I'm in Idaho. Apparantly i am on "unsupervised" probation due to the earlier DUI. I think this means that i will now be assigned a probation officer. whatever i don't care. I just don't want to go to jail. Also does the dl suspension affect my car insurance rate?
since you are in Idaho I think penalty for 2nd time is very high such as up to but not more than $2000 or up to 30 days/jail or both 3rd will be $3000 or up to 60days/jail or both . If you got caugh with MIP but not while driving I don't think auto ins will be affected
Wow. Thank u so much. I know it's just a generic estimate but it helps to know what i am in for in the worst case scenario. If you don't mind me asking, how do u know all of this information? One more thing- since i am on unsupervised probation, what is the usual charge if one is to violate this kind of probation? And would you reccomend getting a lawyer even though i have already plead guilty to the police? The police man said that in court that it is my word against his. But i am pretty sure he had recorded the conversation that we had in which i admitted to having two beers. I just don't know what to say in my defense.
Thanks . In your case, I don't think you have to see any probation officer. You don't need a lawyer . yet ? In the future don't say anything to the police . They might appear in court but I am not sure unless you plead not guity to the procecutor then they will set you up another court date this time you need a lawyer and the police will be there on that date to tell the judge their story . Good luck anything can help let me know.
Here's a good piece of advice: STOP DRINKING!

You are way to young to let your life be ruined by falling into the rut of alcohol, clearly you already have a problem, it is time to stop drinking, and get your life back on the right track!
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