Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Please Help


New Member
Was caught attempting to lift 30.00 worth of household item from a Wal-Mart in Darien Il, LP advised that I would receive a ticket and be on my way. Because it was over their limited amount police officers were called, LP assured still that they would write a ticket. Unfortunately for me I was arrested I did cooperate with all parties involved. I was taken to the station fingerprinted given a ticket and taken back to my vehicle. I received many letter from lawyers to represent me, I do have the understanding that it is a municipal ordinance. My court date is this 8/13/15, this is my first offensive, never been in any kind of trouble and I'm more worried that I may be facing a harsh penalty. I'm just looking for a straight forward answer as to what I can be looking @ as a result of my actions.
You need to speak to a lawyer & only the lawyer. They will go over your options with you. You can ask about ACD or Diversion. It would have been best that you didn't name the store in your post.
You need to speak to a lawyer & only the lawyer. They will go over your options with you. You can ask about ACD or Diversion. It would have been best that you didn't name the store in your post.
Okay. Why shouldn't I have named the store? I just thought it would've helped better understand the situation
Okay. Why shouldn't I have named the store? I just thought it would've helped better understand the situation

Mainly for your protection though it is not likely in most cases that the store will make a connection between you & your post.
Don't have the 300-500.00 they were requesting to work with me.

If you can't afford a lawyer, when you go to court plead not guilty & ask if the court will appoint you a public defender. You then work with the PD.
I am a Retail Theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. You need a Lawyer. If cost is a factor you can request a Public defender. However since many Lawyers offer free consultations I suggest you get several. Ask about defense options and ask about ACD or Diversion as plea options. The reason its unwise to name the store on public forum is because its "public" and your online confession can be seen and used by anyone!