Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Please Help

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New Member
A while back I was in a parking lot with my friend in the passanger seat meeting up with two other people. After our friends arrived and entered my car, there were 4 people in my car while I was parked in an occupied parking lot at a store that was still open. 30 seconds later a cop pulls in and stops his vehicle directly behind mine and doesnt move for a couple minutes. After freaking out I decide its best for us to exit my car and enter the store, after exiting my vehicle the cop abruptly orders me and the 3 other passangers back inside, while in the process of getting back into my car the passanger drops his glass pipe which leads to the cop searching my car and finding a G, couple zips, scale, and baggies. The cop claims while exiting my car the passanger dropped his pipe which didnt happen until he ordered us back into my car, my lawyer told me this could give me the chance of getting off because of the cop searching my car with no reason. I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with the law, and when I go to court what would the chances be that I can actually get the evidence thrown out? Im not asking for advice on how stupid I am or what your opinion is except for the chances of the case getting dropped. thanks
A Bit More Info Please!

Were the recovered G, the scale, and the baggies attributed to you or the passengers in your car?

Who got cited and who got arrested and who was not cited or arrested and were the charges of the misdemeanor or felony variety?

Do you have any priors?

What was the officer's alleged reason for stopping behind you and running your plates; which is what he was doing when he ordered you guys to get back in the car.

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