Please Help!

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New Member
OK. I was working at Walmart about 3 years ago and stole about $1500. I quit shortly thereafter and ended up moving after that. I found out that there was a warrant for my arrest and turned myself in. I posted bond that same day. I havent herd anythig about it since. October 2008 will be a year since I posted bond. They have all my correct info and I keep in touch with my bondsman. I have never been in trouble before, no speeding tickets, never even pulled over. Here is my question(s): What will happen to me? Will this be on my record? I'm currently a hair stylist, but I'm fixing to start CNA school. Will this be on my record at all if I haven't even been to court yet? Is my life OVER????
Q: What will happen to me?

A: None of us have the slightest idea. But you need to go to the courthouse and look at your file to find out what is going on.
I'm not asking you to tell me what EXACTLY will happen, just what could happen. Like what could possibly be the outcome of the situation? What could they do to first time offenders?
Seriously...what was that for? This website, I thought, was to get advice from Legal Experts, not smart asses. Whoever you are, you are a rude person. I was honestly asking for advice and answers to my legal questions.
No Professionalism

I posted on here looking for advice for a family member, and this person was very rude to me as well. Take him/her with a grain of salt. Seek REAL legal counsel. They will help you much more than this forum. Trust me!
You should contact an attorney, or the criminal court in the county where this took place. It is possible they do not have your new address, and you could have been served a court date and did not show. You might have a warrant out for you.
I posted on here looking for advice for a family member, and this person was very rude to me as well. Take him/her with a grain of salt. Seek REAL legal counsel. They will help you much more than this forum. Trust me!

Isnt that what was suggested? We cant read minds, we cant predict outcomes of cases. We can explain the law we can even search it out and post it. However under no condition can we predict outcomes! The people here range in background and educations many are not even Attorneys. The Attorneys here may not work in your area they may not even work in topic area. We are volunteers! Nothing and I mean nohting! should replace legal advice from an Attorney you share an Attorney/Client relationship with
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