Please help problem with doctor

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New Member
I'm about 89% sure my doctor put me on medications that cannot interact. Does this grant me any legal recourse. Please Help!
You will have to tell us what you are talking about.
I am currently on a birth control (to help regulate my periods) and a thyroid replacement pill. I tried Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and now I'm on Yaz, I switched because I was having similar problems. And I'm taking Armour Thyroid, its a natural extract of the chemical my thyroid needs, I've been trying to get off all the harmful pills and switch to natural.
I've recently gone to the website of the thyroid pills and it says:It is especially important to check with your doctor before combining Armour Thyroid with the following:

Estrogen preparations (including some birth control pills such as conjugated estrogens)
If you are concerned about the medications, please, please, please discuss it with him before you take yourself off or put yourself on anything else. If you can't trust him, talk to another doctor.

You can also ask your pharmacist about drug interactions.

Did this doctor give you both drugs? If not it is your responsibility to tell your doctor what other medicines you are taking. They are not mind readers.

Also, the internet is not the most reliable source of information about drugs. You need to discuss this with your doctor ASAP.
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