Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft please help me

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: michigan

My jurisdiction is: miochigan

yesterday i was caught shoplifting at walmart. i am so deeply regretful for this and so ashamed. Now i just want to know what will happen. It was about 33 dollars worth of things. mostly makeup. Im 16 and this is my first time ever getting in trouble with the law. I was taken to the police station and fingerprinted and photographed. Please Help me. What will Happen to me?

and will this follow me for the rest of my life on my record? will i never be able to get a job?
You are facing criminal charges and a criminal record you need a Lawyer. discuss with this Lawyer Diversion as plea option. In meantime yuo can also visit the site (see link in my signature line) there are people there who know about these things
I don't know about where you live but in New York State there is a thing called youth court and it is a substitute to probation. It involves going before a jury of teenagers and instead of it going on your record, you do community service. Look it up.
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