Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Please advise

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New Member
Yes, I got caught shoplifting, I was terrified and now I'm terrified again.
What i want to know is will i be pressed charges against from these 'words' and records, etc.

I'm 16 in Washington state (not DC) and they caught me with about 20$ worth of stuff. The cops were called because no guardians could show up & pick me up (cops dropped me off at home. :blush ) I don't know the laws about shoplifting for minors here and my researching skills aren't that good to find it, so someone from the area know anything?

I asked about court cases and they said it was undecided, but I'm reading that a lot of people get their court case right away.

Also, the cop was asking the LP (i think they're called) if they were pressing charges and they said yes. I gave them my guardian's address and everything, should i be expecting anything? I don't want to come home to a court case one day 2 months later you know?

Also I know fines are probably an always, but is there any limit to the fine amount? I've been expecting about 200$ but some minors have had their theft fines go up to 600 for the same amount!

Also, i've been told (the lp called it 3rd degree theft?) that it will go on my record, is it permanent? Will they be pulling up videos of me or anything for past unseen 'offenses'?

Will i need to get a lawyer? What are all the bad things that will come with this charge of theft?(besides the obvious record and 1 year ban i got and ride home from cops.)

Any advise, however shitty, would really be welcome here. even more, links.
I would like to address all your questions however you have them spread thorugh entire post. Can you put them in bullet form? (See example below)

Question A.
Question B.
etc etc
I'm sorry i don't know how to edit but wow I thought I could get away with only my aunt knowing but they went to my mom's address too.
1. what record is this going/staying on
2. what fine should i be expecting?
3. should i expect a court case?
1. what record is this going/staying on
Dpends on what your convicted of
2. what fine should i be expecting?
Less than $500.00
3. should i expect a court case?
If criminally charged yes
Will I be needing a lawyer? For 20$ I've been expecting I guess community service but I've never been charged with a crime before so I need to know the basics too. Should I plead not guilty? If I am charged idk they were so unclear and the cop said it was up to the juvenile court or something bit all this waiting is driving me nuts. Besides everything I stated above what can I expect? Will I have like regular checks or after the service it's all over?
Will I be needing a lawyer? For 20$
In my opinion yes at least a consultation
Should I plead not guilty?
Yes unless you already have a plea deal worked out

It appears by your post you have been charged. Worse you can get is jail, which is why I suggest you talk to a Lawyer even though that is very unlikely
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