Personal email used on TV Program

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New Member
Not sure this is the right forum for my question but I'll explain it anyway. There is a local TV program shown here every Tuesday evening. It is a religious program and the man who controls the topics of this program went on a tirade for 3 weeks before the election. One evening he showed a video that made fun of Mitt Romney. I found it offensive. This same man also went on to say that anyone who will vote is evil and going against God. Again, I was offended. All of us have a right to vote for the person we feel will do the best job at running this country. I then emailed this man and began an exchange of arguments trying to explain to him that I am not evil for wanting to exercise my right to vote and I had done my homework as to who I felt would do the best job. I told this man that if he didn't want to vote, that was up to him but felt that he should get back to doing what his program is all about, preaching God's word. I then get a reply back with him telling me I am an insane, political, radical; whatever that is. Then on week two, this man then uses part of one of my emails on his program using it as an example of how crazy people have become over the election.
Was this man allowed to use my private emails that were sent to him, on his program without my consent? Are the things he said, slanderous?
Thanks for any input.
Not sure this is the right forum for my question but I'll explain it anyway. There is a local TV program shown here every Tuesday evening. It is a religious program and the man who controls the topics of this program went on a tirade for 3 weeks before the election. One evening he showed a video that made fun of Mitt Romney. I found it offensive. This same man also went on to say that anyone who will vote is evil and going against God. Again, I was offended. All of us have a right to vote for the person we feel will do the best job at running this country. I then emailed this man and began an exchange of arguments trying to explain to him that I am not evil for wanting to exercise my right to vote and I had done my homework as to who I felt would do the best job. I told this man that if he didn't want to vote, that was up to him but felt that he should get back to doing what his program is all about, preaching God's word. I then get a reply back with him telling me I am an insane, political, radical; whatever that is. Then on week two, this man then uses part of one of my emails on his program using it as an example of how crazy people have become over the election.
Was this man allowed to use my private emails that were sent to him, on his program without my consent? Are the things he said, slanderous?
Thanks for any input.

Sorry, once you sent him the email, they became his property.

its the same as if you had written him a letter.

What he does with his property is up him.

As far as him expressing his opinion of you, that's fair game, too.

Nothing to see here, nothing to do here, let's all move along.
And if something on TV offends you, turn off the channel.

(This really isn't complicated, surely?!)
On the question of whether any of this is Slander would be hard to call without actually seeing the show first hand. But from what you have said, it's pretty much opinion on his part. Even if he said something that he claimed was fact and it was false, the question is did he specifically use your name? If not, then you really don't have a case. At that point, You know he was talking about you, and he knows it, but there is no way for the rest of the world to know it, therefor there is no damage to your reputation. If what he was saying was slander towards any of the candidates in the election, they would have to be the ones to bring action, not you.

The other problem is even if he did name you, you then have to prove that someone believed it.
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