past ten years refund

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New Member
i was told by h.r. block that i will not get any refund..[eic ] for over three years in which i already went to the irs and got my w-2..for those years and as i mucked though the past ..they owe me about 2,300 ave. per year...and that if i owed them that they would want thier money..[i do too !!] and it would not matter how many years... if this is true then can i sue under the 14th amendment due process...EQUAL PROTECTION...:confused:
i was told by h.r. block that i will not get any refund..[eic ] for over three years in which i already went to the irs and got my w-2..for those years and as i mucked though the past ..they owe me about 2,300 ave. per year...and that if i owed them that they would want thier money..[i do too !!] and it would not matter how many years... if this is true then can i sue under the 14th amendment due process...EQUAL PROTECTION...:confused:

You can sue anyone for anything.
Whether or not it gets summarily tossed out is another matter.

You may have learned a very expensive lesson.
The tax code is so complex that no two tax preparers will ever have the same results.

In my opinion, you are wasting your time thinking about a lawsuit over this.

The safest thing to do that might actually work is to file an amended return.
yea the amend thing is only for when you already filed..i just never filed as they had always owed me.but really , i dont think it is fair that tey can collect for up to ten years and i can't..i had to study the constutition. and equal protection from the law that applies to one set of people and not all is unfair. thanks for ur reply
Whoa!! You did not file for three years!? This because you owed money you thought? Now you want the money you would have gotten had you filed? Good luck with that as there are stiff penalties for not filing that mighty just exceed your alledged refunds
as a tax acct, they will only pay a refund for 3 years past, your fault you didn't file, its the same with amendments 3 years on a refund, yes they go back farther if you owe, otherwise people that owe would'nt file since it takes at least three years for the irs to catch up with them. I had one that hadnt filed in 8 years, first 3 years had a refund last 5 he owed, he had to pay penalties for not filing, and interest, and the first 3 years of refunds did not offset the balance owed because the refunds were more than 3 years old.
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