Partnership Protection Contract

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New Member
I live in Tucson, AZ.

I am starting up a business/partnership. I want to make a legal contact to protect me if he decides to "throw me out," or vice versa. I want to make the contract such that the person who throws the other out has to pay off all fines and whatnot and the person that was thrown out takes possession of all equipment that was jointly owned... The only problem is that I don't know how to write the contract.

Any help on how I should write it would be GREATLY appreciated!
Partnership Contract

This is not something that can properly be discussed on a forum. You need a buy sell agreement and it needs to be drawn up in accordance with the laws of your state. You need to consult with an attorney. Expect to pay around 500 but it will be money well spent. This is not something to do on your own!
Agreed. You need a contract lawyer. But your partner will have to agree on the contract so create the contract together with the lawyer. Otherwise the partner can refuse to sign and you paid all that money for a worthless contract.
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