Parking Problem

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New Member
My problem started in November 2006 when I went outside and kindly asked my neighbor to not shovel her dog poop in my yard as she was cleaning her drive way after a snowfall. You must understand one thing, all summer long she never cleans up after the dog so we are talking 6 months worth of poop and the dog weighs at least 150 pounds. Along with the dog droppings came the hay she had laid down for the dog (we are in cold climate). She never said a word just walked off and came back with another shovel full of snow, hay and poop. This went on all month and again in December 2005 I asked her kindly to stop and again no response but another shovel full. So now I have angered her and she decides to park in front of my driveway, not blocking it but half her car encroaching it. I let this go from December 2005 to March of 2006 and one day when she was out shoveling her crap in my yard I told her she was to close and in my driveway and please asked her to move on her property. Afterall, she is shoveling her driveway which is 40 feet long and does have 80 feet of curb in front of her own house. She once again just walked off and ignored my request. In this climate we drive on ice and snow so hitting her car was a concern and the fact that when the snow plows came by they had to lift their blades and could not get the snow in front of my house. I had to go out and shovel the street in which part of my $5,000.00 in taxes go to pay for. Just not fair. I called the police and they did say there is no law stating she was parked illegal since I was able to get out of my driveway, now just down to 7 feet wide between her and the snow burms, but there was no reason to park the way she was doing. She was told to move up in front of her drive and that did get her to move 2 feet away from my drive but still not enough to get plowed out or for me to use the snow blower. Long story short, now that summer is here and all the snow gone she is still parking 2 feet away from my driveway or just butting up against it. I know when I water my property I will get her car wet with the hose and she has gone after another neighbor with a broom for trying to get their dog off her yard that was being chased by a moose. (They did not file assult charges). All the neighborhood agrees this is just harassment and I am at my wits end. All I see is her car from my window and her empty drive and all the curb space she has all the time knowing she is doing this just to be mean. What can I do? Does anyone have any advice for me.
Thank you for reading this and any help you can give. :mad:
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