parking citation

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New Member
i received a parking citation for my vehicle being over hash marks. placard fell of console but was visible. in order to get out of car and not have to climb in bushes you have to park over the lines. hard enough being not disabled but nevertheless a handicapped person. sent pictures and handicap permit info to issuing agency and never heard another word. 18 months later when i got my car registration the fee was on dmv registration. dmv wont issue tags even though they are paid for. dmv told me to call or go to city where ticket issued and speak to them. clerk told me tough luck. do you have any insite to this?
You received a citation and never paid it... you assumed it was cleared when you sent the pictures?
At the time you may have had a chance of beating the citation if it had been handled properly. At this point you will have to pay the past due fine for the citation in order to get your registration.
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