Parents of Pregnant Teen Forcing Adoption

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New Member
If a girl is twelve-seventeen and pregnant can her parents force her to put the baby up for adoption? Is that legal? If yes, is it legal in the majority of the states or just a few?

In NO US state can the parents force their minor child to give up that child's baby for adoption.
They are not, however, banned from making every effort to convince her to do so. Additionally, while they are legally bound to financially provide for their own child, they have no legal obligation to provide for their child's child. So while I agree that they cannot FORCE her, they can make it very difficult for her to refuse.
They are not, however, banned from making every effort to convince her to do so. Additionally, while they are legally bound to financially provide for their own child, they have no legal obligation to provide for their child's child. So while I agree that they cannot FORCE her, they can make it very difficult for her to refuse.


And...did I read correctly? 12 and 17? That 17 year old probably needs to be talking to a decent defense attorney....
Thank you all very much for the speedy replies. I am a SEMO student [[journalism major]] writing a piece on this topic & needed more sources. Appreciate each of you for taking the time to respond! :))
So when you turn in this paper your listing random users of unknown educations and, backgrounds from as your source? Where I totally agree with the replies given your Teacher might not approve of an unverified source.
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