Paid off warrant, now what?


New Member

I received a speeding ticket over a month ago and forgot to pay it and also was not aware that I had a court date for this ticket so did not show up. I called the municipal court as soon as I finally did see the letter of my court date and they told me there was now a warrant due to my failure to appear in court. My original speeding ticket was $230 plus the failure to appear in court fee $260. I paid both fees right away over the phone. My question is will this stay on my record forever that there was once a warrant for my failure to appear in court? Even though I paid it off? Or is there something else I have to do to get this off my record?

Thank you!

I received a speeding ticket over a month ago and forgot to pay it and also was not aware that I had a court date for this ticket so did not show up. I called the municipal court as soon as I finally did see the letter of my court date and they told me there was now a warrant due to my failure to appear in court. My original speeding ticket was $230 plus the failure to appear in court fee $260. I paid both fees right away over the phone. My question is will this stay on my record forever that there was once a warrant for my failure to appear in court? Even though I paid it off? Or is there something else I have to do to get this off my record?

Thank you!

If you ever receive another citation for a traffic offense in TX ask the court clerk if ttaffic school or deferred disposition is available to you.

If either is, choose one.

Had you done that, the traffic offense gets wiped off your record after 60 or 90 days, and paying the required fees/costs.

If you do this correctly you will suffer no further harm to your driving record.

In your case, call or visit the court tomorrow and ask if you've satisfied ALL obligations to the court.

If you have, the FTA and the citation will eventually age off your driving revord in 7 years, give or take.

However, your insurer might incrrase your premiums as a result of your choice.

Had you done what I suggested you suffer no rate increases and no demerits on your driving record.

TX can be a paradise for some traffic offenders.
There will always be records of what happened, but I'm not sure what you mean by "my record."

I am wondering if this will always show on employer background checks. I am currently interviewing for new jobs so wondering if this will affect me in any way when trying to get a new job.
I am wondering if this will always show on employer background checks.

Not all employer background checks are the same. Whether any given event shows up in a background check depends on what records the person/entity conducting the check searches and the scope of the employer's request. Some employers may only request records relating to convictions; others may only request records relating to felony arrests, charges or convictions. Unless you're applying for a driving job, I would guess that most employers aren't going to care about garden variety speeding tickets or an FTA that resulted from an oversight and which you took care of quickly upon learning of your oversight.