owing money

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New Member
Our problem is this, we moved into a house after the landlord made a whole bunch of promises like he would move the boiler so we can get a washer and dryer he never did and told us to spend 1500 bux on a stackable set. He told us the yard was good for our kids, at first look it did look then our kids started to get roofing nails in their feet and our tires were getting popped again we told him about this he said it wasn't his problem. He would also call a week before rent screaming at myself and my wife demanding rent as well as calling on new years eve saying if we didnt pay our rent which wasnt due he would come down and kick my ass. He didnt fix any electrical problems we had to have extension cords laying all around the house because the ac units wouldnt work in the rooms he put them. He would call up screaming at us if we didnt have credit on our pre paid phone and also took our 14 year old son to the gas station without our permission to buy pre paid cards for our phones which he then told us we had to pay him back for. We also had a tornado come through where we lived casuing damage to the property and the neighbours property we had our driveway completely blocked by a fallen tree which he also said was not his problem. This went on for over a year and in the end we couldnt handle it anymore and we moved and broke the tenacy agreement which we both admit we did wrong. But now 2 years after we left he is claiming we caused sixteen thousand dollars worth of damage to his house (which by the way he has on the market for 39000 cash) We now get the occasional letter in the mail from a supposedly legal consultant demanding we pay this 16 thousand we speak to him and ask him if we should get a lawyer and he says no we dont need to do that we told him that the landlord had the house on the market for only 39000 and he told us that doesnt matter. then we didnt hear nothing for about 3 months Then we started to get letters again giving us 10 days to reply or face more legal actions. We really dont know what to do. We admit to breaking the lease but there is no way we caused 16 thousand dollars worth of damage and as i say we never heard a thing about this for 2 years. Should we get a lawyer? Because the landlords legal consultant says we dont need to but says we have to pay this money.
What state did this take place in?

NEVER get legal advice from the other guys lawyer. You're not the one paying them.

What type of lease did you have with the landlord? Monthly, a year lease? Oral or written?

The state is Florida

It was written but it was also written that he would carry out repairs and every time he came and saw the extension cords drapped around the house he said that was fine and didnt need to do anything. This other guy that is sending us the letters does financial investigation.
The landlords legal consultant is suggesting that you not get a lawyer for one of three reasons:

1. He/she realizes there is little chance of their client winning the case, something an attorney would point out if you had one.

2. He/she is hoping the fear of going to court will make you fold and come up with some sort of payment.

3. Their financial investigation (of you, if this is the case) shows you have no resources to pay this.

At any rate, do nothing until (and if) you get some type of LEGAL documentation (from the court) that a lawsuit has been filed against you. At that point you would need an attorney since a $16,000 lawsuit exceeds Small Claims court limitations.

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