On-line College wants money for services

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New Member
I signed up over a year ago to a on-line school, it was accredited and the counselor stated that they prided themselves on communication. I stated that I had no funds, after going through a divorce, (the ex ran off with her boy friend and had cleaned the bank accounts, including my private savings leaving me nothing...lesson learned there). I wanted to make a new and go back to school. She understood this and said it is very common and the financial department would help in this area. I was given the ok by that department to start classes with stating that my grants and so on would take care of everything.

Then along the way a request came up for some documentation on old tax papers supposedly to help me get more on my Pell Grant. I started looking for the papers but the ex had done a number on the personal records and safe as well( I assume looking for every last dime she could steal). I was never given a deadline nor was I told you have to have this in or you will have NO funding period.

I complete the first course with a low (A), not bad for being out of school for so long. I begin the next course, and in the mean time I discuss that I am unable to locate these papers and what do I need to do. The emails go back a forth for a bit with no real direction or anything. I finally get some info. and contact the IRS to get the forms to fill out, to get the other forms. Then I get a email from the school that I have been dropped and that they want over $2000.00 NOW for services rendered NOW!! I am blown away.

I had through the first half voiced several complaints about the poor communication, and written a couple letters to the complaint department, there were several issues I was not happy with. But I went on thinking it would maybe get better. I was told I had funding, and that everything was fine to continue on. Then they drop me and want immediate funds!!

After over 6 months since the last time someone called, I received a call again from a new person on this ledger amount and they want me to pay for everything now or else. I stated my stand and reason for not paying for this debt. And of course he says that I have no ground to stand on, I owe this amount and I am expected to pay, period.

I feel like I just went through the wringer with a used car salesman, they point blank lied to me, said that I had funding, they dropped me, the service as a whole was completely unacceptable. But I should still be made to pay for it?

Now the question, where do I stand in this matter?
What are my rights?
And what can they actually do to me?

I would appreciate any advice or thoughts in this manner.

Thank you very much,

Standard answer on expired SOL (statute of limitation) and/or validation and/or dispute letters. There are thousands of posts similar to yours on this forum so I have prepared a standard answer.

Validation letters:


SOL (Statutes of limitation are DEFENSES to lawsuits; they do NOT provide a method to stop someone from suing you. This defense means when they sue you, you answer with the defense that it is barred by the SOL.)



Validation letter samples you can get at :
and www.creditboards.com

Make sure you ask for VALIDATION (and do not accept verification).

Disputes: You can write a letter of dispute to the three credit reporting agencies.

Go this website to find instructions and samples for how to dispute: http://www.creditinfocenter.com/creditreports/

Sometimes errors are easy to remove and sometimes they stick like glue. It is inexpensive to try and not difficult.

I am NOT a creditor-debtor lawyer; stand by for further help.

I am NOT vouching for the accuracy of these websites!

Debt settlement:

Does a ledger count

They sent me via email a ledger statement with the classes...and the charges they are asking for their services...Is this the same as a validation?

They sent me via email a ledger statement with the classes...and the charges they are asking for their services...Is this the same as a validation?


Sounds like it to me.
So am I just stuck?

I take it that from the lack of responses....I am just stuck paying for classes I was not allowed to take cause they dropped me, and I have no where to stand against this sort of thing? I mean is this legal? Thanks for the help I appreciate it.


Thanks for your help...I did not mean that you had not assisted me. I am just not the sharpest knife on the table and frankly at a lost with this whole mess.

I take it that from the lack of responses....I am just stuck paying for classes I was not allowed to take cause they dropped me, and I have no where to stand against this sort of thing? I mean is this legal? Thanks for the help I appreciate it.


If you feel you have a defense, then try negotiating with them. Make sure everything is in writing.

If that does not work, then tell them to sue you. Then you can tell your story to a judge.
If you feel you have a defense, then try negotiating with them. Make sure everything is in writing.

If that does not work, then tell them to sue you. Then you can tell your story to a judge.

Ok, I would appreciate it if you can tell me if I am in the wrong here?? I mean maybe I am not seeing this the way I need to, and if so That is cool, I can adapt and accept if I am truly in the wrong. If I do not have my head right about this whole thing, then please set me straight. Thanks again for all of your help. I do appreciate it.

If you feel you have a defense, then try negotiating with them. Make sure everything is in writing.

If that does not work, then tell them to sue you. Then you can tell your story to a judge.

I think these places are a scam so I think you are in the right.

My advice stays the same.
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