Old Criminal history - 1976 in Maryland

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My employer has asked that I become a notary, however I cannot have a felony conviction on my background according to the state I am making the application in. At 18 I was charged with possession of marijuana, distribution and keeping a common nusience. At trial, I plead guilty to the possession charge and the other two charges were nolle pros. I was given 1 year unsupervised probation that ended without incident.

Now, 32 years later I need to fill out the notary application asking if I've ever been convicted of a felony. My understanding is the possession charge is a misdemeanor, the other 2 were felonies. (Maybe in 1976 possession was a felony, how do I find that out?) Since the other 2 charges were nolle pros, can I legally say I have not been convicted of a felony?

I have this fear that during the background check, the felony charges will show up and not the disposition of the charges. By saying no, and then during the background check I am found to have answered untruthfully, that becomes a felony. I need to send in the application, but I have this fear that my past is haunting me. I have not been in any legal trouble for anything else since 1976.

Am I safe to say no?
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